Tree Care: Preparing For Hurricane Season

Hurricane season can be a challenging time for homeowners, especially when it comes to tree care. Strong winds and heavy rain pose a significant risk, both to your trees and your property. However, with proactive preparation and tree maintenance, you can mitigate the damage.

Here's a guide to help you prepare your trees for the upcoming hurricane season.

Regular Tree Inspections

The first step in preparing your trees for hurricane season is conducting regular inspections.

  • Inspections: Look for signs of disease, decay, or pest infestation, all of which can weaken trees, making them more susceptible to storm damage. Keep an eye out for loose, dead, or dying branches that could break off during a storm.

Pruning and Thinning

Pruning is a vital part of tree care in the lead-up to hurricane season.

  • Pruning and Thinning: Remove any dead or weak branches that might break off and become dangerous in strong winds. Thinning the canopy of the tree can also help reduce wind resistance, allowing wind to pass through more easily, and decreasing the likelihood of the tree being uprooted.

It is advisable to seek the help of a professional arborist to ensure proper pruning techniques that don't inadvertently harm the tree.

Tree Removal

In some cases, you might need to remove a tree entirely, especially if it's already in poor health or structurally weak.

  • Removal: Large trees that are too close to your home or other buildings pose a particular risk. Although it can be hard to let a tree go, safety should be your top priority.

Always employ a professional for tree removal to ensure it's done safely and correctly.

Plant the Right Trees

If you're planning on adding more trees to your landscape, consider their resilience to storms.

  • Native Trees: Some species are more hurricane-resistant than others. Palm trees, live oaks, bald cypresses, and southern magnolias are among the species known for their resistance to storm damage.

Local extension services or a professional arborist can provide advice tailored to your specific region.

Proper Planting and Care

How you plant a tree can affect its resistance to storms.

  • Planting: Trees should be planted in a suitable location, with enough space for their roots to spread. Avoid planting trees too close to your home or underneath power lines.
  • Tree Care: Once planted, ensure they're adequately watered and fertilized. A healthy, well-cared-for tree is more likely to withstand the challenges of hurricane season.

Use of Cabling and Bracing

For trees with structural weaknesses, such as split trunks or weak branch unions, arborists can install support systems like cables or braces to provide additional support during storms.

  • Support: These should only be installed by a professional to ensure they're effective and don't damage the tree.

Consult a Professional Arborist

Consider getting a tree risk assessment from a certified arborist. They can identify potential issues and provide recommendations to strengthen your trees before the storm season.

For more info about tree services, contact a local company. 
