Four Ways To Keep Ticks Off Your Property

While many pests are simply annoying, ticks are incredibly dangerous. They spread a host of diseases, including Lyme disease, ehrlichiosis, Rocky Mountain spotted fever and babesiosis, to both humans and pets. Thus, it's important to do all that you can to avoid ticks, and a big part of that is keeping them off your property. Here are four ways to make your property less appealing to these nasty critters.

Trim your trees to minimize shade.

Ticks love moist, shady areas, which are common beneath trees. If you have your trees' lower branches removed, more moisture will evaporate from the ground beneath them, and more sun will shine in, making the area less appealing to ticks. If you have a grove of trees on your property, having it thinned out now and then will make it less attractive to ticks, and having it removed altogether is even better if you can handle parting with the greenery.

Plant some beautyberry bushes.

These bushes have been shown to repel ticks. They're pretty attractive, too, boasting tiny purple berries and slender green leaves. Beautyberry bushes not only repel ticks, but they are also repulsive to mosquitoes and other insects, so you can enjoy a very bug-free yard if you scatter a few of them throughout your landscape.

Mow your lawn more often.

This is perhaps the most effective way to keep ticks from taking up residence on your land. They love tall grass, so keep yours as short as possible. Make sure you trim close up against fences and buildings, too. It only takes a few patches of tall grass or weeds to attract them. If you're going away on vacation, arrange to have a friend or family member mow your lawn while you're away so it does not become a tick haven.

Stack any wood neatly and in the sun.

If you store firewood on your property, you need to be especially vigilant because ticks love hiding out in shady, moist wood piles. Stack your wood in the sun so it stays dry, and make sure it's stacked neatly so it breathes properly. Use your oldest wood first and your newer wood last, so your wood does not sit there as long -- it becomes more appealing to tick as it ages and rots.

If you live in an area where ticks are prevalent, there is always a chance that a few will be on your property. However, with the tips above, you can at least keep their numbers to a minimum.

For more information, contact Greenwood Tree Experts or a similar company.
